Our November meeting took place on November 9th at Interlocken, with 17 members and two visitors attending. Thanks for coming, everyone! Remember to check out our Facebook page for photos from the meeting.
Meeting Highlights
- Elections will be held in January and the information will be put up on the website this week. We are still in need of a web coordinator.
- December meeting-will be held on December 11, 2016 at Fancy Tiger. Please see the email about what to bring. There will be a scrap exchange if you want to participate. Just bring a gallon bag of scraps for the swap. There may be a scrap challenge after the first of the year. Bring show and tell!.
- All entries for QuiltCon must be submitted by November 30, 2016.
- January is the annual business meeting. We will be electing officers, updating by-laws and figuring out the grand plan for the next year.
- Lauren and Shelby will help writing artist statements for your quilts.
- The meeting concluded with Show and Share and the bee block presentation.
Full Minutes for the November Business Meeting