Today we’re previewing some of the modern Chinese Coin style quilts featured in our “How New is Modern?” exhibition. Our Chinese Coin inspiration quilt is the lush Red Velvet Carriage Robe (1899), shown above.
Enjoy these modern Chinese Coin quilts, photographed beautifully by Shelby Skumanich. Links are included with additional photos and Artist Statements for each quilt.You can find all of our show quilts at the new catalog website at https://show.denvermetromodernquiltguild.org/

Judy Sanclaria’s “Red” echoes the jewel tones of the Red Velvet Carriage Robe.

Dawna Sanders’ Modern Coins quilt employs a rich palette of modern colors and features custom quilting.

Erika Echols combines red and teal in her Red Velvet Broken Orange Peel quilt , which features Orange Peel-inspired quilting and finds inspiration from Broken Dishes designs.

Beautiful hand-quilting enhances Shelby Skumanich’s powerful Chinese Coin quilt, titled Quilt 19 “Of Discontent.”