This month’s featured quilt is a DMMQG 2015 charity quilt, made for our local police department to provide comfort to children in domestic violence situations. Thank you to everyone who helped make this uplifting gift!
Meeting Highlights
- Chelsea brought the meeting to order at 7:00 at the Interlocken space on August 10, 2016.
- 28 people signed in,3 visitors were introduced
- Michelle Davis gave the treasurers report: the account balance is $1663.00
- It’s time to start thinking how you would like to participate in the guild next year. Let us know if you are interested in being on the board. Chelsea O’Hayre, who is the VP this year, says she is willing to move into the Presidents position.
- Lauren still needs two blocks to complete the barn quilt and needs someone to volunteer to quilt it.
- Christine showed the quilt we are donating to the Dallas Police. It was sent out on the 11th.
- Denise Von Minden was asked to head up the Quiltcon Charity Quilt but would really prefer to help, instead of leading the project. We still need someone to head it up. It could possibly be combined with a show quilt so it can be in the RMQM show.
- Thursday, August 11, 2016, there will be a creative webinar on the MQG site that is designing on EQ7
- Denyse Schmidt will be at Fancy Tiger on September 9th for a trunkshow and lecture.
- The Front Range MQG still has two spots open for the Denyse Schmidt class. Email Kari V. if you are interested.
- Pink Door Fabrics has an open house on Saturday, August 13th.
- GnomeAngel on IG is doing a 100 days 100 blocks from the Tula Pink City Sampler book.
- The evening was completed with show and share. So many lovely projects happening in our guild.